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UNCG Guarantee: Where It All Started
It started as a gift.
Six million dollars - the largest in UNCG’s history. The donor remains a mystery, but the results are clear. This May, the first full class of UNCG Guarantee scholars graduated.
The Guarantee, established by that donation and sustained by others who have given an additional $3 million so far, allows bright students who come from families at or below the poverty level an opportunity to graduate from UNCG with little to no debt.
From day one, the Guarantee has been more than a scholarship program. The Guarantee makes it easier for students to succeed. Workshops. Mentors. Leadership training. Study abroad. Service.
In the fall of 2010, several members of that inaugural cohort shared their hopes and dreams as they arrived on campus. Four years later, they have been changed by their time at UNCG. Read about their experiences and learn what’s next on their path.
Above all, read their gratitude.
Thank you, mystery donor.