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5 Ways To Better Those Grades

De-Stress. Being stressed only leads to more stress, and less focus on your schoolwork. Whatever de-stressing looks like for you, keep it a daily habit! A personal example for me would be working out. If working out keeps you stress-free, you should manage to workout once every day or every other day to keep stress levels down. This will lead you to feel better mentally and physically. Then your full focus can go on school work.


Prioritize. Whether it is prioritizing workload or activities, always make sure you are choosing the most important thing first! If you have two assignments to do, one is due at midnight and the other is due in the morning..complete the one due at midnight first! If your friends ask you to go out to the club, but you have a paper due in two days make sure you prioritize what is more important to finish FIRST. You can always go to the club another night.


Minimize Distractions. Turn the phone off! Or put it on silent mode. When my roommate and I study, we give our phones to each other so we are less tempted to look at them throughout our library time. If you love to watch tv, make sure to study somewhere without a tv. The same goes for all other kinds of distractions. This takes a lot of self-control!


Make Studying Fun. No one really enjoys studying, but it is critical for success. Some people like creating notecards, repeating, or re-reading/writing notes. For me, I like to make songs, re-teach with a dry-erase board, or re-write my notes with pictures! There are so many ways to put your own spin on studying to help make the inevitable less dreadful. It also helps you retain the information better, so you can receive a higher score on your exam!


Use Resources. If you’re struggling in a class make sure you are using all the resources available to you before you give up! Your professor is one of the best resources.. since it is their class you are taking. However, they can be intimidating to approach, so other options would be a tutor or another classmate who seems to understand the material. If you have presentations or papers, there is the writing and speaking center! In the library, there is always someone there to help you find a book or help you with starting a research paper or even a simple bibliography!

Be back soon,


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