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Gotta Speech?!

One of your general education course requirements is that you complete an introductory communications course. The course requires you to plan, organize, and present speeches. Consultants at the UNCG’s Speaking Center(Location: MHRA 3211) will provide you with feedback through face-to-face and/or online meetings to help you gain confidence and competence in your communicating and speech making.

Taking a visit can also help you to improve your public speaking and interpersonal/group communication. Individuals in The Speaking Center will help you identify verbal and nonverbal communication aspects, plan your speech and create an outline, practice smooth and confident transitions between topics throughout the final presentation, and set goals of improvement for future presentations. They help to promote important communication values such as: acceptance, openness, inclusion, cohesion, awareness, and respect of the diversity of people and ideas. They also provide a place for practice of non-native speakers and English language learners.

The Speaking Center’s website ( provides information about their services and about making appointments. They go by the two-day rule, meaning that any consultation should be scheduled at least two days before the presentation. This allows for time to make corrections and improvements to your presentation. Consultations can be 30-60 minutes, and appointments can be made by calling (336) 256-1346. You may need to have an easily obtainable electronic copy of the speech document, and/or a copy of the videoed speech through your UNCG Google Drive, and maybe a webcam for online consultations. UNCG’s Speaking Center is here to provide you with a non-judgemental place to help you reduce any public speaking or communication anxiety and help you to learn and improve from your experiences and presentations.

Location: Moore Humanities & Research Administration Building(MHRA), Rm. 3211


Fall & Spring Semester Hours:

Monday-Thursday 10am-7pm

Friday 9am-12pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: 4pm-8pm


The UNCG Guarantee Program

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

257 McIver Building 
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27412

VOICE : 336.334.5534

FAX : 336.334.4764


Any questions concerning The Guarantee Guide and to report any errors, please contact Kayla Jones at : 

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