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Find The Leader In YOU!

It is so important to create social currency in college. As a Senior I have to take a professional development course. Our teacher and guest speakers always emphasize the importance of getting experience in the community. Your book knowledge is only a piece of a larger puzzle to success. Potential jobs want to know that you have real life experience in your field of study. They also want to see that you are capable of leading. It is possible to start your senior year, but the time you serve in these positions are important to employers. They want to see that you can commit to something bigger than what is required of you from class. By volunteering your time to an organization, it opens opportunities to put towards your resume. By leading, you pick up what my professor describes as transferrable skills. Transferable skills are skills you pick up in your part-time work, school, or volunteer experience.

I know that it may seem very intimidating to run or lead an organization. However, this challenge will only be the first of many you face in life. By getting experience early it only further prepares you for better jobs that require these skills in your work responsibilities. We all have a bit of leadership quality in us whether we know it or not. We make executive decisions every day. The difference in leading and following is making a conscious decision to not make the first move. Often the people who preside over us lack qualities we possess and those differences can be important and useful. Never down play your potential, because we all have gifts that separate us from the flock.


Before you get into your chill time tonight search, on the UNCG website and find three organizations that you find interesting. Attend an event or interest meeting to get a feel for if you agree with their values, and seek out how you could potentially benefit their organization. Do not get discouraged if the application for admission to this organization is past the deadline period. This is when you show initiative and ask if there is still a way you can volunteer or see what executive positions will be open in the following semester.

You have potential! All you have to do is reach out and grab hold of your desires! Have faith in your ability!

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.

- Sam Walton

The UNCG Guarantee Program

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

257 McIver Building 
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27412

VOICE : 336.334.5534

FAX : 336.334.4764


Any questions concerning The Guarantee Guide and to report any errors, please contact Kayla Jones at : 

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