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10 Tips To Get You The Job

Hello all,

A Career Fair is an event that allows you to "Explore different career paths, find out what is required to obtain jobs of interest, network, and assess what [you] can do now to better prepare [yourself] for a career upon graduation" (

UNCG is hosting two Career Fairs in the Spring:

1. Spring Career Fair

March 1st


Location TBD

Professional Dress Required

2. Educational Career Fair*

March 15th


EUC Cone Ballroom

Professional Dress Required

*"They will be seeking Pre K-12 teachers for all subjects, as well as administrators, counselors, social workers, nurses, media specialists, speech pathologists, and dietitians" (

In honor of these two Career Fairs coming up, I'd like to share with you 10 Career Fair tips that will help assure you the job of your dreams.

1. Dress Appropriately

If you are going for an office, teaching, business, etc. kind of job, then it would typically be beneficial for you to dress "classically." However, if you are going for a job in the creative arts, such as fashion, art, etc., it may be appropriate to dress with your own sense of style because you might want to stand out.

2. Research

Make sure that the companies you are interested in are companies that you would love working for. Read about their statistics or even their history. This can then be used to impress them in person by bringing up facts about the company. This shows them that you are interested in their company and you are serious about being hired there. Not only should you research the company, but you should also do some research internally. Find out what you want in a career. What kind of work schedule, benefits, morals, etc. do you want to secure in your career, and how do the companies line up in accordance with what you want?

3. Make a Game Plan

When entering the Career Fair, make a plan of the booths you would like to visit first, and in what order you would like to visit them. This will help with your preparation.

4. Prepare Your Elevator Pitch

You won't have much time to talk to the recruiters at each booth, so you need to prepare a short speech that advertises why you would be a good fit for the job. You should tell your name, Major, any experience you've had, etc., but keep this pitch short. Imagine you are on an elevator, and you only have the amount of time it takes to get from one floor to another to pitch yourself to this person.

5. Use Body Language That Illustrates Your Interest

Make sure that you are conveying to the recruiters that you are interested in what he/she is saying. Use the Active Listening Skills that we learned on the Leadership Retreat of our Freshman Year. Hold eye contact, keep your body language open (don't cross your arms, it makes it seem that you are closed off), nod with what they're saying, smile, etc.

6. Meet as Many Recruiters as You Can

The more people you meet, the more likely you are to get a job. Also, networking is very important. So, creating relationships with these recruiters could only be beneficial to you.

7. Thoughtful Questions

Ask questions that you'd really like to know the answer to so that you stay interested and engaged in the conversation. Also, you will get the most out of your experience when you ask thoughtful questions.

8. Business Cards

Ask for business cards. Again, it shows your interest in the company. But, it also allows you to use a connection you've already made.

9. "Thank-You" Notes

Follow up a Career Fair with "Thank-You" Notes to the recruiters of the companies you liked the most. The power of a written "Thank-You" is incredible. Especially in our world today, because they have become a rarity. Thanking the recruiters for their time and how they shared information with you is a simple task that means so much to these recruiters and could be the deciding factor for whether you are hired.

10. Be Yourself

I know this sounds cliché, but it's the truth. You want a company that accepts who you are as a person. Also, recruiters know when you are being truthful with them... it's their job. So, it is best to be honest with yourself and honest with these recruiters.

Until Next Time,

Brandon Scott

The UNCG Guarantee Program

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

257 McIver Building 
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27412

VOICE : 336.334.5534

FAX : 336.334.4764


Any questions concerning The Guarantee Guide and to report any errors, please contact Kayla Jones at : 

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