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Adverse Weather on Campus!!

Hello Scholars!

Winter is my absolute favorite season. What I love most are SNOW DAYS while in college. Not only do snow days present an opportunity to relax and catch-up on course work, but you can also build a snow figure, throw snowballs, and simply be a kid!

Weather on campus is not always a walk in the park and safety procedures are in place in each residence hall in case adverse weather hits UNCG.

In the case of inclement weather, call 336-334-4400 or 336-334-5000 to hear a recorded message about whether classes are cancelled, delayed, or if the University is closed. Become familiar with your residence hall severe weather shelter location. If a severe weather warning (such as a tornado warning) is issued, the University Police and/or a Housing and Residence Life staff member will notify you of the building evaluation plan. To ensure your safety and the safety of others, it is important that you follow directions given by the University official.

TORNADO WATCH means that conditions are right for a tornado to develop.

TORNADO WARNING means a tornado has been sighted. Locate evacuate sign! Students and staff should be ushered to a safe area: lower floors of the residence halls, basement, or other centralized protected areas. STAY INSIDE!


The UNCG Guarantee Program

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

257 McIver Building 
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27412

VOICE : 336.334.5534

FAX : 336.334.4764


Any questions concerning The Guarantee Guide and to report any errors, please contact Kayla Jones at : 

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