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What's My Mailing Address?

Hello Scholars,

THEM: What’s your on-campus mailing address?

ME: It’s my email I think…

THEM: …I’m not sure college is the right place for you.

During my first semester here at UNCG, I didn’t quite understand how the mailing system worked. I truly believe I missed out on some awesome care packages for the reason that no one understood exactly where to mail items to me. It honestly took me sending a card with my return mailing address posted in order for me to begin receiving anything through Spartan Mail.

The mailing format is below, followed by a bonus bit on how to get delivery brought directly to your residence hall. So, no need to worry. Though the easiest part may be understanding the address yourself, you may want to WRITE DOWN your mailing address and leave it with those who want to send you mail.

John Smith

jsmith1 at UNCG

Greensboro, NC 27413

[Your Name]

[Spartan Email] at UNCG

Greensboro, NC 27413

IMPORTANT: When ordering food to your residence hall, you’ll use the physical address of your building. That information can be found here:


The UNCG Guarantee Program

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

257 McIver Building 
PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27412

VOICE : 336.334.5534

FAX : 336.334.4764


Any questions concerning The Guarantee Guide and to report any errors, please contact Kayla Jones at : 

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